Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education

Winter Conference Presenter Registration

We are looking for workshops that extend the conference theme:

The Importance of Family Involvement for Equity, Empowerment, Engagement

We seek to address this theme through the following topics:

  • Parent Involvement Strategies
  • School & Family Partnerships
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Closing the Achievement Gap
  • Title III and English Learners
  • Migrant Education
  • Teen Parent Rights
  • Civil Rights and Equity
  • Indian Education
  • Students in Homeless Situations
  • Dual Language Programs--
These topics will help schools strengthen their outreach with parents and students. Workshops designed specifically for parents will be in Spanish and/or English. We encourage presentations that are interactive and allow participants the opportunity to collaborate and share ideas. 

Please use our online presenter registration form to submit your conference presentation proposal.

Notes to Presenters:

  • Printing services are not available at the conference site. 
  • Please prepare for 20 participants per session. 
  • Workshop presenters may not sell materials during this conference.
  • Contact Presenter:  The contact presenter is responsible for dissemination of information to co-presenters. The first 2 co-presenters will have their registration fees waived.  Addition co-presenters will be given a registration fee reduction. 
  • Presentation Abstract: Please provide an abstract (50 words or less) of your presentation as you would like it to appear in the conference program. Plan activity-based presentations when appropriate. Length of all presentations on Friday is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Room Arrangement:  Rooms will be set up theater style with rows unless special arrangements are made. Each room will be set up with a screen, easel and chart pack. 

If you need further assistance contact Dalia Torres, at oace.net@hotmail.com